Friday, September 16, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In 22.0

Last weigh-in: 324.6 lbs
Current weigh-in: 319.6 lbs
Change: -5.0 lbs lbs

My biggest loss since my first week or two on the plan.  I'm quite proud of myself considering I was on vacation and without internet access.  Because of no internet, I wasn't able to track my foods or points.  I did get lots of exercise though, we did a lot of hiking and exploring on foot.

I'll have a post up soon about it.  We just got back to DC this morning after a 22 hour flight and I'm exhausted.  We fly home to Seattle tomorrow after resting at a friends house tonight and I can't wait to get home!


  1. Yay! 5 pounds down is great, congrats. Travel rocks, huh? :)

  2. Yes! It was fantastic! As we were sitting in the International Departures terminal @ Johannesburg airport I asked my husband if the long flight was worth it and if he'd ever do it again and when he said yes I told him good, because I was getting LOTS of good ideas sitting at the gate watching all these fights take off. LOL.

    The weight loss felt great too! Down 18.4 lbs! My biggest loss in 4 years, I'm happy :-)
